Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Making the best of it...

Some of you may have heard that I bought tickets to the next shuttle launch for Danny's birthday. The one problem with this purchase is that the tickets are to an event...not a specific date. Thus, if the shuttle gets moved to another date so do our tickets (they are not refundable). I knew this going into it. I also knew that this happens a lot.
Yesterday was supposed to be the big day. We didn't see a launch. It was moved to the day AFTER we move. Figures. Oh well. We have a couple of people in mind we want to give the tickets to.
Since Danny had the day off, we decided to go and do something...but it had to "be Florida."
There is a little manatee observatory and learning center just south of us. Cost=$1. Good thing too, because all of the manatees were missing. We saw some plaster ones though. It was run by two little old ladies who are definitely on their last leg.

The first conversation went like this:
Lady: Hi. (peering through her large bifocals) That will be two. (holding up two fingers)
Danny: alright (handing her a 5 dollar bill)
Lady: (trying to punch some numbers on the register) *mumble* two, which button, two, here, no here...

*wait wait wait

Lady: two right? is that right? (pointing to her register that said 00.02) so here you go (handing back our 5).
Me: (trying not to sound demeaning) oh, actually I think we gave you this one, we get three ones back (pointing to the ones in the register that somehow popped open)
Lady: oh, these? (pulls two out and hands them to me)
Me: just ones more (she gets it out)
Lady: gosh, it's just so...mumble
Me: been one of those morning already? (trying to make her not so embarrassed, though I don't even know if she understood)
Lady: oh yes! one of those mornings...

it was 10:20am. They opened at 10. We were the only ones in the two room shop.

Next conversation with another special lady at the "touch tank":

Lady: want me to get something out for you to touch?
Me: sure, what do we have?
Lady: (points to some of the things and tells me about them) you can touch any of them if I get to keep your baby. (half smile)
Me: *laugh* sure thing (alright touch-pool-creepy-lady, keep your touchy fingers to yourself)

(this would have been ok, but she kept saying it over and over. It was a little creepy--we touched the sea star and got outta there).
The gift shop was much better.

Watching something on manatees...obviously not all that interesting.

Us and the plaster manatee.

Jack putting his feet into the ocean for the first time.

A cool tree we found.


Briana said...

no way! the day after??! no way you can push back moving by a day, is there? :) that totally stinks, but you guys are good sports. wherever you are at looks beautiful and sunny and very "florida" and i am jealous. :)

i was totally cracking up about those ladies and that observatory. good thing it was only $1!

Megan said...

pahahah. creepy old lady. Well was it worth it for only a dollar? man..those people in florida! Where are you guys moving to?

Me said...

Sorry to hear about the tickets. That's so lame. I must say, you are one dang cute family. I love you guys. And that lady sounds super creepy.

Liz said...

NO, NO, NO! Not your tickets :( Maybe you could stay in a motel for a night and postpone the trip. So sad. But you're always good sports. It looks like a fun day . . . weird, but fun!

Christy said...

ha! i loved the story of the old lady. hard day, indeed. sorry about the tickets!!! that totally stinks. i'm glad you made the best of it and were still able to have a fun day. good luck on friday! wishing we really COULD help you load the truck!