Saturday, September 6, 2014

Back to the Heat

After a summer in PA, a week trip in CO...back to scorching AZ.
Here are some pics.

 Ellie begged to hold the snake. 
(And the only picture of me in this bunch...I am always taking the picture!)
 Cute Peter. About 3.5 months.
 Peter and Dad looking dapper. 
 Swingin Ellie.
 Jack loves anything Dinosaur.
 On a carriage ride with Grandma at the Farmer's Market.
 The day we moved back to AZ. Ellie was wiped.
 Lovin us some back yard. 
(With the swing set Danny make!)
 Jack making BYU Football food for dad.
 Their new "rocket" Danny and I put together.
 Ice cream date with dad.

 Peter watching BYU football. 
Ok...actually he just rolled over and happened to glance up in time for a good picture.
Dad and Peter enjoying football. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Here are some pictures.

We are doing the internship thing right now, then back to grad school in a few weeks.


 This is what happens when my kids dress themselves.

 Ellie and Monkey sporting it. 

 Cute Peter.

 Got caught playing in the fire pit.

 My little girl.


 Jack loves anything that has to do with coloring. 

 He made this lion mask. Looks more like an Aborigine war face to me. 
Ellie is just glad to be on the show (Quote anyone?)

I have three kids.