Thursday, June 16, 2011

Two Weeks Notice

Since we haven't had internet for about two weeks... there have been no posts. But that doesn't mean life didn't keep going.
Thus, this is a few-words-lots-of-random-pictures post.

In the new apartment. SO HAPPY!!!

Heading off to swim (a daily event).

Though we hold him most of the time in the pool, occasionally we get a few moments to swim when he sits in his lounger. Jack LOVES the pool.

Bath time in his new garden tub. Another favorite.


Jack in the box.

Eating Pumpkin.


Briana said...

ooo, the pool looks delightful! i'm jealous!

that picture of danny and jack in their sunglasses is too much! :) jack is such a little stud.

Liz said...

Love the pictures! It was so wonderful to see you this week! Jack's adorable.

Christy said...

that is one nifty lounger. fancy pants jack. :) i must say, he is even handsomer in person. we loved seeing you guys!