Friday, January 21, 2011


So, Jack sometimes likes the swing.

Sometimes falls asleep in the swing.

And (as you can see) sometimes isn't too sure about the swing.

He is beginning to make a lot of different faces--but due to the issues with my camera (won't hold battery charge for more than a minute at a time) I have been unsuccessful at getting a lot of face pictures.
So I made him have a funny face.

This picture looks very close to one of my baby picture.
I'll see if I can find it and post it.


Liz said...

So cute! And he has his eyes open! I want to snuggle him!!!

Me said...

What a cutie! I just want to EAT HIM UP! JK, not really. You two make beautiful babies!

Amy said...

Oh my word he is so stinkin' cute!