Tuesday, May 21, 2013

On Being Forgetfull

Sometimes things slide.
Like Jack at the park. Ice cream off of a cone. Getting dishes done.

Remembering that I have a blog...

Literally, I just logged on for the first time since January. Wow. Life has been insane.
Quick recap of the last 4 months, then lots of pictures with no explanations -because that takes too much time. Call if you want to know more!
After months of grueling waiting, writing, paying, interviewing, acceptances, praying, crying (well...not Danny--he doesn't cry)--we have made a final decision for Danny to attend Arizona State University in the fall for his MBA. We are VERY excited to live so close to family and are looking forward to ASU's great program (and I can't not say that I am just a LITTLE excited to play in the sun. Even if it is going to be egg-frying hot.)
Jack talks lots. Is full of energy and loves nursery.
Ellie is crawling, eating, and just self weaned (a little early)...

Here are the pictures. Enjoy.


Amy said...

I'm so excited for you to live so close to those Arizonians. Your kids are adorable and I'm terribly excited to see them! Congrats on Danny's school acceptance!

F said...


Christy said...

Yay Arizona! And you're probably prepared for the heat after summers in Florida and Georgia. We are so excited to see you all soon! Your kids are adorable! Sophie can't wait to hold Ellie and Abby! :)

Liz said...

So glad you remembered that you have a blog! So glad we got to see those adorable chillins! And so glad you decided on ASU! I'm already looking forward to seeing you again--in September if not sooner! Yea for living close!

Nana's Spot said...

I am SO glad to see all the pictures! Just feel guilty enough that you remember the OLD great-grandparents LOVE to see the pictures!!! I think today is your day of moving to AZ. Hope all goes well. I think it is SO neat the family is so close together. Love you all and miss you all...hope to get there in the fall. Love, Grandma Hoffman