Thursday, September 8, 2011

9 mOnths.

heRe Are sOme upDates:

guEss mom isn't goIng to giVe me the tUb anymore.

my innocent face

tHis is dInner tIme at Our place...nEver a dUll momenT...


Briana said...

i like that last succession of pictures - it's fun to see jack's different "looks". in his really big smiley pictures, i think he looks a lot like you, kristi.

SHAWNA M said...

Oh, he is so darn cute!!!!! And getting so big!!!!

Liz said...

Yes . . .love the pictures and the video. Silly little man! And his hair is hilarious! He seriously looks like he has a mohawk in some of his pictures! Andrew and I keep having discussions about whether or not you shaved the sides of his head.

Me said...

Did he just say Mama and Dada?! That's what it sounded like to me!!!