Probably the silliest face I have captured on camera yet from Jack.

Talking to his bear. He loves his bear. Or rather, he loves eating his bear. But they talk on occasion.

Not quite big enough for it yet. Yes, those are rolled towels to keep him centered.

How many toys can you fit into a swing?

Sad Jack...

...perhaps both fists would help...

...I guess not.

Jack and his ball.
I dont remember who gave us this ball...but I love and hate you. Jack loves this thing, can grab it very well, and can make it to his mouth for proper slobbering. However, he isn't very coordinated yet and usually ends up going in for the kill WAY too fast smacking some part of his face with this hard plastic ball. The ball bites back. Then he lets go and cries--because his face hurts and he cant find his ball.


(must. eat. ball.)

Jack also likes the camera.
Hello World.

Too cute...starting to look more like Daddy ;-)
Oh my GOODNESS!! HE is just the cutest little boy!! I could just look at these pictures over and over (I usually do) and just think how cute he is! (hope that isn't creepy...). I love seeing his looks change and I agree with Jill- I see more of Danny in him now. You look good too by the way:)
Aw! So cute! I'm missing all three of you :(
I LOVE that last picture. He is so cute! Rob thinks he looks like Danny. I'm not sure.
oh jack, you are the sweetest thing.
funny, i was going to say he looks like you (kristi) in those pictures!
haha... here's my two cents since everyone's doing it: i think he is a good mix of the two of you. starting to see more danny in him (the look of his eyes), but i still think he looks a lot like you, kristi.
and that last picture CRACKS. ME. UP. what a cute guy!
So cute! I love the pictures. When are you guys moving? Keep us posted. We love you guys.
CHEEKS! Ahhh. I loves them. That's a great progression of Jack's sadness. He tries so hard to double fist it, but then when that doesn't work... well, there's really no point in continuing life. Total despair:).
P.S. He looks like Kristi.
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