Well...Danny went to Atlanta, talked to lots of people, signed a lease, and came back home.
We will be moving the 30th of April. A little sooner than we wanted, but Danny worked some sweet magic on our landlord and we negotiated out of the last three months of rent--IF we moved out by the end of April.
So there you have it. Time to start packing again.
Some reasons I am excited to leave Vero and move to Marietta:
1. Hot showers
2. Laundry in my apartment
3. no more old drivers
4. no busy road by Jack's window
5. new neighbors (we have had a lot of new people move into our nice quiet building. they are less than quiet and are quite inappropriate. I will be glad to say goodbye.)
One of our new neighbors cars:

and of course I couldn't post without new Jack pictures...his new thing is rolling to one side.

Jack loves his mirror friend