Yes it was awesome, priceless, and worth every minute.
We had a fantastic time in Utah--very ready to come home and get Jack back on a schedule, but it was worth every second with family. I guess you really don't appreciate the closeness until you have been far away and isolated in geezer-ville.
It felt like home. (*gasp* did I really just call Utah home?!)
Perhaps we will move back someday.
Here's the story that most of you already know.
In October we decided it would be better for everyone if we went to Utah to bless Jack. Save people a couple bucks AND we get a vacation. Then, Hoffman Style, we decided to add some good ol' lying to the trip. We decided not to tell any of Danny's family we were coming. (My family had to travel--so they had to know). We decided to tell one sister (we picked her for two reasons: #1 She is the best liar in the family, and #2 her throwing a random, middle of the week, "winter" party wouldn't be suspicious--she's just like that.), Amy that we were coming so we could have someone to get the family prepared. She had a baby girl in August so we decided to do a double blessing.
Like a saint, she planned everything and stressed over all the little details--I didn't have to do anything.
After our long day of travel (leaving out house around 7:30am and getting to Provo around 6:30pm) we were finally in Utah. The family pizza winter party was held in a building at BYU and we had no idea where it was. While circling trying to find it we got two texts from Dad Hoffman (picture of the party) "wish you were here!" and "guess what! Jenny and Eric surprised us and drove here for the blessing." Danny's sister from Arizona decided to come with her family for the fun weekend as well. We were unloading our luggage as we got the second text, and walked into the party room about 5 minutes after that.
It took a few seconds for people to register that
1. who we were
2. that we were actually there
3. that we weren't really supposed to be there
Hugs all around.
Pizza, soda, family. It was a great night.
(Danny and the very happy children)
The next day we got together with my mom and Roger for some errands, playing with Jack, getting my hair done, and some great Italian food for dinner (with Kate and Mckay).
Friday was Horkley day. Jack got to meet his youngest Aunt (at almost 3 years), play with/spit-up on grandma and grandpa Horkley, and enjoy watching us eat steak and potatoes.
Saturday was the big party day. In the morning Jack and I spent time with grandma and grandpa Hoffman getting ready for the Eric's Graduation Party and the blessing later that afternoon. The boys were off playing some basket ball somewhere at BYU. We made it to the church building and met everyone there for food and boardgames.
Amy and I got our little ones into their special outfits (after Jack's bath in the church's kitchen sink--is that kosher?) and people started arriving. We even snuck in a few minutes to get a family picture.

There were a gazillion people there I wanted to talk to, sit with, hug, and go to Disneyland with. I wish there was more time. Honestly--it felt like my wedding reception all over again. So many people there to share that wonderful time with us, and not enough time to even get a picture with everyone.
Thank you all for coming.
(Key office Friends)

(Amy and Maggie)

There are many times in my life I think about being married to someone who holds the priesthood--but few that are so special as this. Danny gave a wonderful blessing. Jack means the world to us and to have a husband that provides all of life's necessities, the opportunity for me to stay home, and a priesthood example is what the Lord wants for him. Funny how it reminded me of my wedding reception, because this day I was again positively overwhelmed with the decision I had made to marry Danny. What blessings the Lord has seen fit to give me.
Getting ready for a cold Utah morning.
Riding home, spiting up.
Jack at the Orlando Airport after we arrived home.
Seriously the best surprise EVER. I am still recovering. Love you guys! Jackson's freaking adorable.
yeah, agreed - the best surprise ever! thanks so much!! that last picture of jackson on the chair cracked me up. :)
Can I just say that I LOVE that picture of the three of you? Christy (& Amy, I think) has another one on her blog, which I also love. I don't think I've ever seen Danny looking handsomer!!!! And you look radiant.
What a wonderful, wonderful surprise. I still tear up when I think about that moment you walked in the door. I will admit that it made me miss you ever more . . . but only because I love you so much.
And Jack's adorable!
P.S. Lovin' the idea of Utah feeling like home :) You keep thinking that, okay?!
first of all, that first picture of jack is DARLING! i love his little face!
it was seriously the BEST surprise ever-- so thank you! i only wish it could have lasted longer, but what do you do. and yes, i agree, you don't appreciate it near as much until you've been away from family. love you guys!
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