I can't believe how much he has already changed.
He is starting to make eye-contact and to react to faces--though no legit smiles yet.
He laughed in his sleep. It would melt your heart.
He is staying alert and happy for hours at a time now during the day.
He goes to sleep quickly at night after eating.
He gulps when he eats resulting in lots of gas and an upset stomach often.
He has unbelievable diaper timing--I change them often. Sometimes twice in the same sitting.
He kind-of likes the binky. He is very decisive.
He likes Danny playing the guitar.
He sleeps well on his back at night, but naps on his stomach when I can watch him during the day. He prefers his stomach like his dad.
He is getting a mullet.
(he has already grown out of the panda suit)
Fact. Jack is amazing and adorable.
Fact. Paige has a blanket with that same material... the dalmations and red balls.
Fact. I miss you!
man, he is so stinking adorable! those pictures are too much. i'm so jealous that now eric and briana have met him and got to see you guys. i have to tell you, these pictures of jack are really looking like baby lincoln to me. you should look back on my blog and compare. this must mean there's some hoffman genes somewhere in linc! :)
These pictures are too cute! I could just suck his face off!!! Not really. :) I am so happy for you guys!!
Oh he is precious! The smiles are just around the corner. My Charlie is almost at laughing and it always makes me laugh and cry at the same time....its just too cute! It looks like you are such a good mom! :)
Ah, such cute pictures! Can't wait to see the little guy!
What a cute little boy. A baby laughing in his/her sleep has got to be number one sound on the planet. I'm glad he's sleeping most of the night- hopefully that means you're getting some sleep too.
He is adorable and we love getting to see the pictures. Its not as good as being there but it certainly is the next best thing! Kiss Jack for us.
Kristy! I just got caught up on your blog since Christmas and Jack is hilarious! (and too cute!) I love your captions to his facial expressions...priceless! Blue steel is a winner as is the Christmas morning face when he sees the presents! Sounds like you are moving to Georgia? Good luck from Utah and thanks for sharing your new family pictures!
the panda outfit! i see it! :)
jack is ADORABLE! i'm SOOO glad we got to see you guys and meet that little man in person. he is a sweetheart. i love that last picture - now, that looks like some quality sleeping. :)
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