Danny and I have so many things to be grateful for. Conference always reminds me of just how blessed I am. We live in a wonderful place, gaining many new friends. We have such a loving and supportive family. I am having a normal pregnancy and we eagerly await Jackson's birth to meet him and become parents. We both marvel that Father in Heaven would give us this sacred responsibility. We have a friendship, companionship, and marriage like I never imagined possible. I live with such a kind, hardworking, brave man. I thank my Heavenly Father daily for letting me have him. If there ever was a marriage arranged in heaven, it was ours. I am so grateful for the gospel in our life. I know it is real, true, and simple. We continue to be strengthened by it's doctrine and principles. I try to see the hand of the Lord daily and am always amazed by how he blesses me. I know my Father in Heaven is aware of my family and that He is constantly guiding us to where he needs us--or where we need him.
If you want to comment, consider sharing your testimony.
yay, it's jackson! so fun to see him! i'm glad you guys are loving this stage in your life. it is definitely an incredible responsibility and privilege to be a parent. you guys will be great. i do know that H.F. is totally aware of us and in control... the gospel is true and i'm grateful to have it in my life.
Okay--so about that ultrasound. Do we have a solid due date now? And what's the word on the placenta placement? Information, please!
(And yes, I loved conference as well. Wish it would last longer. When I was growing up, we had at least two more days, but I didn't appreciate it then. Now I would!)
I miss you guys!
Hi Kristi! Thanks for posting on my blog! Now I have found yours! I am so excited for you to have your little Jackson! I am really enjoying working at the OBGYN but miss all of the people at Nexus. (oh well, most of you aren't there anymore either!) General Conferene is great and always motivates me to try a little harder and be a little kinder! Miss You - Amanda!
okay, due date and placenta placement, what? i am out of the loop. do fill us in! a family e-mail or something. :)
so fun to see that picture of jackson!! thirty weeks is huge - you're on the downhill slope. almost into the single digit countdown weeks! so excited for you guys!
and an amen to what christy said - i also KNOW that Heavenly Father is aware of us and intimately involved in our lives. i see His hand in my life multiple times a day. i also know that His timing is not our timing, but that everything WILL work out for our good. i've seen that many times in my life - especially in the last year or two. it just takes a lot of patience and trust. :)
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