1. Ah! Altitude change, you might say. Wrong--I made those changes (I impressed myself knowing that I had to change ingredients per altitude--learned that by exploding bread in Denver a few years back--never make THAT mistake again).
2. Burners aren't working properly. WRONG. I noticed that the top burner didn't get hot--obviously that is the problem. I called my landlord and asked if he could come and change it. He called me back and said he looked up my oven model and the top only comes on for the broiler. Some baker I am. I had no idea.
3. Dark pans hold in more heat. True. But not the problem. I also adjusted for dark pans.
4. You live in Florida--your apartment must be adding to the heat in the oven. Wrong. We blast the AC. Nuf said.
5. Something is wrong with the oven. CORRECT! I actually thought this at the beginning and tried to adjust the temperature a little--but it made no difference. So I ruled it out--an oven can't be THAT far off right. WRONG. We bought a little thermometer for the oven today at Target (no I didn't have a coupon--but I felt this was a necessity. I was going insane.)
Try 100 freaking degrees TOO HOT!
I'm impressed things turned out as well as they did.
holy buckets! 100 degrees! i was going to say that it was probably your oven because it seems like sometimes good bakers move into a new place and just can't get anything to turn out right and it is always the oven. something a little twitchy. but a 100 degrees! yowsers! so, what do you do - get a new oven or just adjust everything 100 degrees? glad you figured out the culprit, though. :)
that quote is awesome, by the way! :)
I had the same thing in the first apartment we lived in as newlyweds. When we finally temperature tested the oven, we discovered that it heated everything to a toasty 500 degrees! Makes baking interesting. We lived with it. I'll bet you're smart enough to call the landlords!
WOW-- 100 degrees!? no wonder you burned everything. of course it HAD to be something wrong with the oven with the lovely and talented kristi cooking. (FOR REALS.)
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