(No, he didn't crash an
actual homemaking evening like his Dad...)
It always feels good to have new things. New things doesn't necessarily mean from the store--but new to me. For example, Danny and I went to Verizon to do a little change-up. I was getting a cheap little $30 dollar thing to just have pay-as-you-go for emergencies and perhaps a new phone for Danny. Instead (because both of our phones are GOOD phones worth way over $30--we didn't want to spend money on a lame phone when we had good ones) we swapped phones. Mine wasn't compatible with the PAYG option, but his was. So, we left Verizon with "new phones" without paying a dime. Sure, now we have major identity crisis when a phone in our house rings--but it is kinda fun to have a new thing in my purse. And now Danny has to turn off the 7:00 alarm.

Second, I got a new couch. THANK YOU!!!! For all the contributors! Danny got it off Craig's List. It is only a year old and is in very good condition. Apparently, the couple was moving soon and needed it gone. On top of that, she mistakenly posted if for a hundred less than they talked about. Steal. I wasn't sure it was going to fit with room for me and my enlarging mid-section to walk around it--but it is AWESOME! Very comfy, clean, BIG, and MINE. Again...thanks--I LOVE the gift.

Third, after having the sister missionaries over every week since we got here, we decided we really needed to get some kitchen chairs. We gave them the two chairs our landlord left us (small desk-like chairs), I sat in our computer chair, and Danny sat on an end table. It worked--but we have been watching online for some amazing deal to pop-up. Again Craig's list came through. A dining set for $30 complete with 5 chairs and a table with an expando leaf. Perfect. We picked the piece of junk up and drove it home. Last summer (two summer's ago I guess--summer never ends here), if you remember--I bought some yellow striped fabric at a yard sale. Danny and I spent the better part of yesterday recovering the chair seats (we threw one of the chairs away--too dog chewed), Danny tightened all the joints, and using wood markers to touch-up the scratches (Bed Bath and Beyond for the markers...they work like a charm--thanks for showing them to me years ago mom). Now we have chairs and a table that matches--and it looks pretty good!


This is pre-touch-up markers...

I'm going to miss Danny when he goes to work. Who is going to help me with my crazy ideas???!!!