There are so many things to blog about since moving--and I just haven't made the time. So here is the first of many that should be.
I tried my hand at canning. No, it didn't go perfect--but the result is rather tasty. One of my favorite treats (just ask my parents) is home canned peaches. The peaches here are from Georgia and are rosy colored, juicy, and PERFECT (hence having the peach on their license plate in Georgia). So, after acquiring some canning materials and peaches from the Saturday Farmer's Market, I made my first attempt.
And aside from some rather large air bubbles that seemed to elude me (I did think I had gotten most of them out) the jars look rather tempting. I only did a really small batch to make sure I didn't mess-up a lot of good peaches. We already opened a jar to test them to make sure they taste good--and yes...they do!
I also scored on Craig's List with mangos last week. A crazy (yes, she was)lady was selling them from her trees for super cheap. Danny and I bought $5 worth and ate four and made mango fruit leather with the other six.
I am trying to have a little fruit-fun here.
Any other fruit ideas? What are your favorite fruit recipes? How do I utilize all the goodness around me?
look at you go lady! mmmm, i want to taste georgia peaches :)
i wish i knew how to can and don't know too much else about cooking with fruit. :) i'd say just eat it! :) and eat some yummy florida grapefruits for me.
love the post, by the way! more, more, we want more! ;)
Andy's favorite is to make all kinds of crisps- cherry, peach, apple, name it he will make it! It is quite simple really- get the fruit, thicken the syrup and add a topping of oats/butter/brown sugar and wala! Yum! We were also canning peaches this last week and I am getting into this canning frenzy! My next project is: apple sauce and apply pie filling, green beans, and tomatoes. What a fun and helpful thing to know how to do! Good luck and I must say I am a little jealous with all your access to fruit! :)
those peaches look SO yummy! way to go. you will have to show me how to can sometime as i have no idea. if i ever see you again... sniff. (kidding, kidding)
Your peaches look gorgeous! I think the best thing you could do with all your delicious fruit is--send it to UTAH!
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