Hello World!
Life is just going on as usual: school, working two jobs, church, wedding plans...I'm ENGAGED!!!
Yes. It has happened. Time for all to settle their bets. This is no joke. I convinced Danny to marry me just to show everyone it could be done. Don't worry...I didn't do the proposing--I let him do that part. I can't imagine the pressure a guy must feel in planning a proposal. They must know that a girl dreams about that event her whole life--and has gone over scenarios of good and bad proposals. I am no different. After dreaming my whole life of that one person with that one moment--I had my expectations. There were no disappointments, regrets, or do-overs. Danny knows me well and planned a magnificent evening. And he didn't even fumble over words. He promised me that he didn't rehearse so I attribute his perfect delivery and beautiful words to the obvious fact that he loves me and has wanted to say these things for some time now. Kudos to Danny. As Marry Poppins stated so eloquently: He is practically perfect in every way.
Sorry ladies...he's taken.
Alright...here is a little recap of Christmas break. I went to Denver and Christmas was good. It was nice to spend time with my family and Naught Kitty. I did a lot of sewing, a lot of eating, and a lot of laughing. The day after Christmas Danny flew out and spent the rest of the break with me. Kenny and Meggan got sealed on the Saturday after Christmas--which was wonderful. Family is great.
(And...yes...Danny is wearing a pink hat...)
I agree, your ring is beautiful! Yippee for Kristi & Danny Hoffman!!!
PS: This picture of you two at what I assume is Megan and Kenny's sealing is super cute!
oh my goodness, I still can't even believe it! I'm so happy for you. You guys make such a cute couple, I love your pictures and I want to see more:-) Jake and I want to have you guys over for dinner and games soon ok? Love ya tons!
gorgeous ring by the way, it kind of reminds me of your egyptian one.. in a way:-)
Congrats! Welcome to the family!! We're glad that last night fulfilled all of your expectations :) because let me tell you what, you sure had Eric nervous all night, hoping that it would be a great night for you and Danny! :)
So I've been meaning to track down your blog for sometime now... and tonight as my children are definitely NOT sleeping (even though it's 1:00 A.M.) I remembered that my brother might possibly be engaged and might possibly have forgotten to call and tell me BUT there might possibly be some kind of picture on a soon to be sister's blog. Long sentence. I am soooo happy for you guys!!! I know everyone says "marriage is the best!" but, for me, it really has been incredible. I am so glad he picked you and am really looking forward to us getting close. Thanks for treating Dan so good. I already love you! And the ring is beautiful.
Congrats! I am so happy for you! Marriage is definitely a blast!
Tina Bulson-Brewer
Your ring is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! I love it!
I'm obsessed with your ring! Welcome to the Hoffman family!
Love the ring! I can't wait to see it in person. I'm so happy for you!
WOW on the ring! Kudos for that if danny picked that out by himself. If not, well it is still perfect. I want to hear more about your proposal! I really only met him when he was your dance partner freshman year, but it must have been fate!! Congrats girly, love ya
WAHOO!! I love this all...everything about it! AND I love planning weddings! haha Gorgeous...everything!
You two are so stinkin cute together!!! MAN! and Holy gorgeous ring!! Love you! Love it! Love marriage!!
Yay for Kristi!
CONGRATS!! and your ring is awesome, i love it! i also love danny's hair a little longer. very attractive if i say so myself.
can't wait to meet you too, i'm hoping that doesn't just happen in the sealing room. :)
Hi, its Lisa, Danny's cousin. I got your blog from his Mom. I wanted to congratulate you guys and welcome you to the family!!! :) Happy wedding planning!
Hahaha, your cute. I think the proposal is also a good sign (or warning in perhaps my case :)) of things to come. The one I got was all about teasing me through out the day of and in the end stumble half asleep to one knee in front the couch (in good old Old Mill #102), because we were late meeting my parents for dinner. I should have known :). To bad I love him dearly and wouldn't trade him for all the romance in the world :). Congrats. I'm excited for you both!
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