Hello World!
Life is just going on as usual: school, working two jobs, church, wedding plans...I'm ENGAGED!!!
Yes. It has happened. Time for all to settle their bets. This is no joke. I convinced Danny to marry me just to show everyone it could be done. Don't worry...I didn't do the proposing--I let him do that part. I can't imagine the pressure a guy must feel in planning a proposal. They must know that a girl dreams about that event her whole life--and has gone over scenarios of good and bad proposals. I am no different. After dreaming my whole life of that one person with that one moment--I had my expectations. There were no disappointments, regrets, or do-overs. Danny knows me well and planned a magnificent evening. And he didn't even fumble over words. He promised me that he didn't rehearse so I attribute his perfect delivery and beautiful words to the obvious fact that he loves me and has wanted to say these things for some time now. Kudos to Danny. As Marry Poppins stated so eloquently: He is practically perfect in every way.
Sorry ladies...he's taken.
Alright...here is a little recap of Christmas break. I went to Denver and Christmas was good. It was nice to spend time with my family and Naught Kitty. I did a lot of sewing, a lot of eating, and a lot of laughing. The day after Christmas Danny flew out and spent the rest of the break with me. Kenny and Meggan got sealed on the Saturday after Christmas--which was wonderful. Family is great.
(And...yes...Danny is wearing a pink hat...)