I digress.
Jack is...well...Jack. He is more intelligent that I think a 1 year old should be, has the most impish and testing looks, and understands what we say to him--though sometimes I think he "pretends" not to understand because it is convenient.
His new things:
1. wants to wear a tie every day--in pjs, playing, and regular clothes
2. only takes one nap--but does so regularly and it usually lasts 2+ hours in the afternoon
3. sleeps in a toddler bed and doesn't get out until he wakes-up
4. loves his Pooh Bear
5. doesn't know how to be soft with Naughty--we have to put her away sometimes because we worry about her little ribs snapping
6 LOVES Naughty kitty
7. LOVES books and will sit by me in the morning when I read scriptures and look at his own books
8. eats all by himself with a spoon--I don't have to do anything anymore SO awesome
9. gets his shoes and runs to the door when we tell him we are going outside (poor guy...because I have been sick he has been cooped up with me)
10. kicks a ball better than mom (but mom still throws better than he does)
11. graham crackers are his favorite treat
12. likes to hide mom's phone where she can't get to it (I am not supposed to lift things...so moving the fridge and couch are out-of-the-question until dad gets home)
13. is the cutest little boy who now will run to give mom and dad hugs, sit on their lap, and snuggle (FINALLY)
Here are some recent pictures:
Remember what we made people for Christmas? Well, we didn't get them all delivered because of Jack being fussy and me getting car sick...so we had them laying around...and Jack found one. It was a caramel and dark chocolate covered hot chocolate spoon. Pretty sure doctors would have frowned upon this indulgence for a 1 year old.
No, this isn't Jack. And yes, I have had a good excuse for being lazy for the past three months. And yes, I am still planning on sending out Christmas letters...more like Valentines letters now...