but in Florida...instead of Hawaii.
My mom gave us Christmas (eve)dinner this year...it was awesome. It was the first meal I cooked since Jack was born.

Our Christmas Tree. Turned out pretty nice. I got in the habit of nursing in the living room during the night when my mom was staying with us and Jack LOVED looking at the lights on the tree. I don't know what we are going to do when we take it down--I almost don't have the heart to get rid of it.

Here is our traditional "Christmas Morning" picture. Oh the Pjs--no make-up--bed head glory.

Danny and Jack singing Christmas Carols at 6 in the morning.

Jack seeing all the presents...

He LOVED his new bath monsters.

Christmas nap.

Danny rocking Jack in the new-totally-awesome-craigslist-rocking chair he got me for Christmas.

Jack giving me the "good grief woman--stop with the camera already" look.
Danny taught him this look.

Just wanted to put a disclaimer on all these pictures...I promise I DO hold Jack. Most of the time actually. I just happen to also be the only one who takes pictures--thus they are of Danny holding Jack. I promise to make Danny take some of me and Jack soon.