People still loved it.
Some kids still cowered away.
One cute little 3 year old Buzz Lightyear kept coming back to show his mom for the tenth time the scary skeleton. Danny laughed the last time he came and the Buzz backed-up a step and said to him mom: "mom, the skeleton is laughing at me."
We didn't know how to respond.
(The front and backs are painted--but we didn't get a picture of the backs)
Th trunk-or-treat was a lot of fun, Danny's 11-year-olds LOVED his costume and came back many times just to hang around their awesome teacher. And yes--the baby was a hit. It made me not-so-scary.
Nicole and Linda arrived in time for the chili cook-off and trunk-or-treat. They helped us decorate our car with pumpkins (Jack--the pumpkin king).
Saturday we headed off to Orlando. Danny and I used our Give-a-day Disney tickets and went to the Magic Kingdom. We had a wonderful time just taking it slow, riding a few rides, eating ice cream, and watching fireworks. My feet have yet to be as swollen as they were that night. My review--Disneyland is better,and yes Disneyland and Magic Kingdom are different.
(I look like I have a huge gut--promise there is a baby in there--week 35)
Nicole and Linda went to Harry Potter Land. For those who want a review: it is better at night with all the lights, it is small, had REALLY long lines (just to get into the stores), but was worth it for the one cool ride and butter beer.
Sunday we had the missionaries over for Halloween dinner. It was fun to have a little group over--first time! It was Sister Johnson's last dinner--she had p-day on Monday and then went home on Tuesday! We will miss her, but are excited to meet the new sister tomorrow.
Monday I received my first Florida sunburn. Because of my (and Danny's) very sun sensitive skin, I have been very careful to always use sunscreen and to go out later in the evenings as to not get burned. For some reason, being with college friends again (or just being pregnant)--all my wits left me and I forgot the sunscreen AND we went out at one in the afternoon. We did had a great time at the beach. I only went into the waves for a few minutes as I have no sense of balance right now--and the smallest wave knocks me over. But it was beautiful.
Having people we know stay with us was wonderful. It was great to have familiar faces so close for a few days. I have such awesome friends!