Seattle (or Washington State in general) has been my home most of my life. I love it. I love the rain, the green, the trees, the mossy roads---even the occasional stepping on a slug. Ok…that was a lie. I don’t enjoy slugs. They probably don’t enjoy me much either.
Danny and I flew to Seattle for Valentines weekend to spend a few days with my family. It was wonderful. We arrived Friday night and went dancing at one of my research studios. Danny got to meet some of my friends. Saturday we had a wonderful blueberry pancake breakfast with the family. Then Dad, Emily, Danny and I drove to Seattle to spend a few hours at Pikes Market. We spent time looking at some of the shops and eating traditional “Pikes” food (clam chowder, fresh doughnut holes), but the majority of the time was spent taking pictures. Emily was our esteemed photographer and the four of us had a fun time tromping around Seattle finding good places to take pictures. We were so pleased with the pictures. Em did a great job. Thanks sis!
That night we had a family Valentines dinner of amazing steak and shrimp scampi. Sunday Danny met some of my extended family which was really fun. He fits in well…they like to laugh and he likes to be funny. Dad made is famous roast and we feasted with LOTs of food and dessert. It was so wonderful to spend time with my family. All of the cousins and grandma sat crammed in the living room talking, laughing, poking, and telling old stories. It felt like old times at grandma’s sleepover. Thanks guys!
Monday we went to breakfast as a family and then got dropped off at the airport. Our trip was relaxed but perfect. We were able to spend time with my family and relax from our crazy Provo lives. Definitely something we will do again.