Happy Thanksgiving! Ok…I know it is a week past…almost Christmas even.
Alas! Here is my Thanksgiving story:
I flew into
Mother and I were finally reunited and despite a stressful meal at Taco Bell and a cold wait outside the airport. No one was seriously hurt—in fact no one was hurt at all. Custom tradition of my mother and me, we talked the WHOLE 45 minute drive home from the airport. We covered all topics and felt almost on the same page when we got home—where there was another happy reunion.
Naughty Kitty was very glad to see me. Ok, so was my family. I hadn’t seen Kenny and Meggan for more than 10 minutes since Mayish of last year. All of us sat and got all caught-up on life. It was already late so after a while we all went to bed. Naughty was very happy to be let out of her nightly bathroom confinement and sleep with me in the bedroom.
Wednesday was relaxing. The main event was tasting wedding cake. Mmm…I found it interesting that Kenny and I were on the same page with our cake consuming habits and opinions. Chocolate is good was the main consensus. It was pretty fun. I helped mom pack for her departure the next day to Sunny California. Alright, I was probably more of a hindrance. I sat on the bed and chatted while she packed. I am such a good daughter. I went to Roger’s office and he was kind enough to torture me for a few minutes. Ok that was a lie. Anyone who knows me even a little knows I LOVE chiropractic work. I also got to see mom’s new office. I thought her new piece of art was a pushpin-board—good thing I didn’t try it out…that could have been disastrous. That night we had pizza. Every holiday we have pizza at least once. I love pizza. We also watched a Veggie Tales: The Wizard of Ha’s. Changing the field of poppies to a field of puppies? Brilliance. Who really stops and frolics in a field of poppies? Now ask yourself: if there was a field of adorable puppies…would you stop? Yes. I have to say, it had some clever moments—but still not as good as Lord of the Beans. We also went shopping for the last few things for dinner the next day.
Thanksgiving day was fun-filled with cooking. I made poppy seed raspberry muffins for breakfast to go with the cold pizza. Then I stole away with the paper for Black Friday. When Kenny and Meggan arrived, we started in with the cooking. It was fun to be with them cooking away in the kitchen. By twoish we were ready to eat. Grandma came over a little earlier. We had three courses: appetizers, salads, and REAL dinner. Everything was fun and good. I love food.
Friday, I picked Meggan up around 5am and we headed to Home Depot to get mom’s poinsettias. They are only a buck on black Friday. We got her a bunch including the token red one from Kenny. Meggan and I spent the greater part of the day walking around shopping, finding deals, encouraging each other on purchases, and a great breakfast together a La Peep. What fun we had. Grandma and I spent the last bit of the evening sewing and being creative. I asked her about her and grandpa’s BYU dating story. Cute. Gotta love a good romance. Kenny and Meggan took me to dinner at one of their favorite hang-out places called Tequila. Well…actually I drove. My plate was wonderful—but unbelievably hot. For all you Spanish speakers—you can’t laugh…but how was I supposed to know what Diablo meant? It started snowing when in dinner, and the drive home felt like we were in a StarTrek show. CLARIFICATION: not because I was driving at warp speed—but because there was so much snow falling. We actually slid around a bit, but ended up making it home safe.
Then it was Saturday. I actually was ready to go home. I had one more thing to look forward to. A few weeks ago I was craving Cinnabon and found-out that Danny had never had one. Disgrace! That day went online looking for the closest one. Astounded, I found that there was only one in